+ D-Waste is participating in the European Project ADVANCE. D-Waste, September 20, 2022September 20, 2022, News, 0 This project aims: to assess the current food waste management practices in selected municipalities and SMEs in the HORECA sector...
+ IND 4.0 against food wastage D-Waste, November 26, 2021November 26, 2021, News, 0 D-Waste is contributing to the fight against food loss and waste by launching the report IND 4.0 against food wastage....
+ China Ban the End of Recycling as We Know It | Antonis Mavropoulos, President of ISWA D-Waste, February 9, 2018January 25, 2021, News, 0 This is the first webinar that kicks off the strategic partnership between ISWA and be Waste Wise. As part...
+ Life EWAS Public Workshop in Seville D-Waste, February 20, 2017September 26, 2018, News, 0 Meet LIFE EWAS project partners at the Public Workshop which will be held on the 20th of February at...
+ A New Way to Recycle!! D-Waste, October 26, 2016August 28, 2018, News, 0 November has come together with the Life EWAS Social Platform which helps you learn How to Recycle!! The Life...
+ “The internet of Bins”- A Workshop for the LIFE EWAS Project D-Waste, July 29, 2016August 28, 2018, News, 0 On 14th of July 2016, D-WASTE organized the workshop titles “The internet of Bins” in order to disseminate the...
+ D-Waste’s Project Life Ewas published on Water Waste journal D-Waste, July 5, 2016August 28, 2018, News, 0 The journal Water Waste in its issue No. 83 published on June 2016, hosts an extensive report on the...
+ D-Waste’s expert Niki Mavropoulou at the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management D-Waste, July 1, 2016September 26, 2018, News, 0 Life EWAS participated in 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Cyprus 2016, held in Limassol, Cyprus on...
+ D-Waste’s expert Aida Anthouli at the 10th International Conference on “Circular Economy and Organic Waste” D-Waste, May 27, 2016August 28, 2018, News, 0 Life EWAS participated in 10th International Conference on “Circular Economy and Organic Waste”, orbit 2016, held in Heraklion, Crete....
+ E-waste Academy – Scientists Edition 2016 D-Waste, May 19, 2016August 28, 2018, News, 0 The 6th E-Waste Academy-Scientists Edition, will be held in Limerick, Ireland from 13–20 August 2016, hosted by the University...