In the beginning the year 2014, SWEEP-Net launched in cooperation with the Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) a process of assessing the Costs of Environmental Degradation (COED) and remediation due to Solid Waste Management (SWM) practices for the capital cities and their agglomerations in Greater Beirut (Lebanon), Greater Rabat (Morocco), Greater Tunis and Djerba (Tunisia).

COED measures the lost welfare of a nation due to environmental degradation which can be specified in the following categories: Agricultural land, Forests, Water, Air quality, Waste, Coastal zone.

The principal objective of this study is to: (i) assess the legal, institutional, regulatory and financial framework; (ii) quantify the degradation and remediation of the environment due to municipal waste management practices in monetary terms; and (iii) assist decision-makers at national and local levels to identify and prioritize specific actions to improve the integrated solid waste management (SWM) practices.

Four COED reports and policy notes and a guide book to calculate the COED were respectively prepared. You will find below the main findings and documents of this study.



Download the  Guidebook


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