+ 22. ΕΠΕΜ ΑΕ D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Technical assistance for the construction of a waste treatment plant for the 2nd waste management area in Viotia Prefecture...
+ 21. Local Authorities Institute and Central Union of Local Authorities in Greece D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Waste management experts services for the circular economy and waste management – development of management guide for the local...
+ 20. CONFEDERAÇÃO NACIONAL DA INDÚSTRIA – NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF INDUSTRY OF BRAZIL D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Development of an orientation guide for energy recovery from solid waste The objective of the service was to develop...
+ 19. Municiaplity of Sparta D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Technical Support for the development od a solid waste plan in the municipality of Sparta The scope of this...
+ 18. Municipality of Aghia Paraskevi D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Technical Support for the management of solid waste in the municipality of Aghia Paraskevi The scope of this project...
+ 17. Municiaplity of Samos D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Business Plan for the management of recyclable materials in the Municipality of Samos The scope of this project was...
+ 16. Waste Management Union of Larisa D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Feasibility Study for the exloitation of biogas production in the Sanitary Landfill of Larisa This project was focused on...
+ 15. EPEM SA D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 EuropeAid/129944/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance and Supervision for Balikesir Solid Waste Management Project, Turkey This project refers to the provision of...
+ 14. Wellness Telecom S.L. D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Efficient and sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction , Financed by the EU LIFE...
+ 13. Greek Recycling Organization D-Waste, October 1, 2018October 1, 2018, Projects, 0 Raise Awareness and Recycling Rates through ICT tools in Greece The “GRE-cycle” consists of a web and mobile app...